Thursday, 28 August 2008

The world's smallest campaigners strike

One inch high activists have shut down Kingsnorth coal-fired power station. The drama unfolded at E.ON's replica of the plant at Legoland (sponsored by E.ON) while people at Climate Camp protest the planned new coal plant at Kingsnorth. Lego police were in attendance, along with a Lego police helicopter - but neither the campaigners nor the police would comment...

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Final show at Climate Camp 2008

VisionOn.Tv host their wrap up chat show with Conor and Jenny who look back on the weeks events. Was the Climate Camp a sucess? 

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Police at Climate Camp 2008

How did the Police behave during this years Climate Camp? A chat show with two campaigners

Friday, 15 August 2008

Day of Action- Climate Camp

2000 people shut down Kingsnorth polluting power station in Kent. VisionOn.Tv reports as a daily chat show about the events

Over the fence- Climate Camp 2008

VisionOn.TV chat show about the day of mass action to shut down Kingsnorth power station. We talk to 3 of the people involved in the action who give their views. From boats to fence jumping.

Debate- how to campaign against Climate Change

Two authors debate how best to tackle climate change. Go down the path of Anarchy or paddle amongst the mainstream environmental groups?

Climate Camp Food Review

This was made by a group of new filmmakers during a 1 day workshop run by

Thursday, 14 August 2008

AgriFuels Protest- climate camp 2008

Activists explain why growing crops to fuel our engines is a disaster. Filmed at the Climate Camp 2008, the chat show includes dramatic images of the direct action against an Agrifuel corporation. Watch more on

Bicycles impounded for their own safety

The police do their bit for the campaign against climate change by impounding legally-parked bicycles.

Confiscations by Police

Did you know you can commit criminal damage with a child's crayon,wig and top hat. Find out how from Kent police. 

Kingsnorth: A Local Issue Going Global

Legal observers blocked by police

Police have denied blocking access to legal observers trying to check due process - here is the proof.

Naked animals say no to coal

Naked animals (mainly humans) say no to coal-fired power, and make police stop and search much easier.

Local Activists Support Climate Camp

Local campaigners in Medway against the building of Kingsnorth coal fired power station stage a protest to support the Climate Camp.

Arthur Scargill on the Right to Protest

The veteran of police violence in the miners strike '84/'85 defends Climate Campers rights

Climate Camp Movement: George Monbiot's View

Environmentalist George Monbiot gives his views on Climate Camp 2008

Cheeky Apocalypse

Links between war, oil and climate change

Police Stop & Search

VisionOnTv reports that 100 people walked through Police barriers to attend the Climate Camp in Kingsnorth. The law states that people can be detained only for a 'brief' time. After 1-4 hour waits to be searched, people had enough and ignored police. 

"Stop Kingsnorth!" say locals

Young people at Climate camp living under the shadow of the coal-fired power station say "Stop Kingsnorth!"

Climate Camp 2008 Chat Show at Kingsnorth.

VisionOntv reports from inside the Climate Camp 2008 at Kingsnorth. We hear from the people handling the media liason for the Climate Camp

Climate Camp 2008 is Open

To get to kingsnorth directions at

Melting Point- spies, lies and arrests

A film exposing government tactics in reaction to environmental protests. Tactics shown in the film include arresting journalists and environmental protesters, Espionage, news manipulation and legal threats.

The film, titled Melting Point has been released ahead of next month's Climate protest Camp at Kingsnorth coal power station in Kent. This exclusive and powerful film exposes the extraordinary tactics being used to reframe concerned citizens engaging in their right to protest, as dangerous terrorists.

Melting Point looks at the escalating battle between direct action protest groups and those they accuse of failing to act on climate change.

Letter to the Future President #147

When I was combing through McCain and Obama speeches, they both reminded me of something I have heard before. So I went back to Bush's 2007 State of the Union and BAM! See for yourself.

Trailer for Climate Camp 2008

VisionOnTv will report daily from inside the Climate Camp- the new frontline in Climate Change activism. August 3-11th 2008